Eduard Alarcon
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c/Gran Capità s/n – Campus Nord UPC E08034 Barcelona, Spain
(34) (93) 401 56 78
e-mail: eduard.alarcon@(
Associate professor – professor Titular d’Universitat
Energy Processing Integrated Circuits - EPIC group
Department Electronic Engineering
School of Telecom Engineering
Technical University of Catalunya (UPC)
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Jan 2000 Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (“Ingeniería de Telecomunicación”, specialization in Electronics), 1995, Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain (national award)
Academic positions
- Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, UPC, 2000 - to date
- Associate Dean (International affairs), School of Electrical and Telecom Engineering (ETSETB), UPC, May 2006–May 2009
- USA-Liaison Adjunct to the Dean at the School of Telecom Engineering, UPC (May 2009 – to date)
- Visiting professor at RAMSIS group, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, January-June 2011 (prof. Ana Rusu)
- Visiting professor at CoPEC center, ECE Dept, University of Colorado in Boulder, CO, US, Aug 2003-Feb 2004, Jul-Aug 2006 and Jul-Aug 2010 (prof. Dragan Maksimović)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, UPC, 1995-2000
- Research Associate, Department of Electronic Engineering, UPC, 1995
- Founding co-director of N3CAT-NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya
Short resumé: Eduard Alarcón-Cot was born in 1972, received the M. Sc. (National award) and Ph.D. degrees (honors) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. Since 1995 he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering at UPC, where he became Associate Professor in 2000. He is head of the Energy Processing integrated Circuits (EPIC group) and the scientific co-director of N3CAT, the center for Nanonetworks at UPC. During the period 2006-2009 he was Associate Dean of International Affairs at the School of Telecommunications Engineering, UPC. From August 2003 to January 2004, July-August 2006 and July-August 2010 he was a Visiting Professor at the CoPEC center, University of Colorado at Boulder, US, and during January-June 2011 he was Visiting Professor at the School of ICT/Integrated Devices and Circuits, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. He has co-authored more than 250 international scientific publications (including co-authorship withcolleagues at MIT, GeorgiaTech, CU Boulder, KTH, Univ. Toronto, NXP, UC Dublin, Guilan Univ. Iran, Univ. Perth Australia, University of Wuppertal), 4 books, 4 book chapters and 4 patents, and has been involved in different National, European and US (DARPA, NSF) R&D projects within his research interests including the areas of on-chip energy management circuits, energy harvesting and wireless energy transfer, and communications at the nanoscale. He is the PI of the Guardian Angels EU FET flagship project at UPC and Through N3CAT center he is part of the “graphene” flagship. He has given 35 invited or plenary lectures and tutorials in Europe, America and Asia, was appointed by the IEEE CAS society as distinguished lecturer for 2009-2010 and lectures yearly MEAD courses at EPFL. He has participated in Evaluation Boards for research proposals both in Europe (Chist-ERA, Belgium, Ireland, Italy) America (Canada) and Asia (Korea). He is elected member of the IEEE CAS Board of Governors (2010-2013) and member of the IEEE CAS long term strategy committee. He was recipient of the Myril B. Reed Best Paper Award at the 1998 IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. He was the invited co-editor of a special issue of the Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing journal devoted to current-mode circuit techniques, and a special issue of the International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications. He co-organized special sessions related to on-chip power management at IEEE ISCAS03, IEEE ISCAS06 and NOLTA 2012, and lectured tutorials at IEEE ISCAS09, ESSCIRC 2011, IEEE VLSI-DAT 2012 and APCCAS 2012. He was the 2007 Chair of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Technical Committee of Power Systems and Power Electronics Circuits. He was the technical program co-chair of the 2007 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design - ECCTD07 and of LASCAS 2013, Special Sessions co-chair at IEEE ISCAS 2013, tutorial co-chair at ICM 2010 and ISCAS 2013, Demo Chair of BodyNets 2012, track co-chair of the IEEE ISCAS 2007, IEEE MWSCAS07, IEEE ISCAS 2008, ECCTD’09, IEEE MWSCAS09, IEEE ICECS'2009, ESSCIRC 2010, PwrSOC 2010, IEEE MWSCAS12 and TPC member for IEEE WISES 2009, WISES 2010, IEEE COMPEL 2010, IEEE ICECS 2010, IEEE PRIME 2011, ASQED 2011, ICECS 2011, INFOCOM 2011, MoNaCom 2012, LASCAS 2012, PwrSOC 2012, ASQED 2012, IEEE PRIME 2012, IEEE iThings 2012 and CDIO 2013. He served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II: Express briefs (2006-2007) and currently serves as Associate Editor of the Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I: Regular papers (2006-), Elsevier’s Nano Communication Networks journal (2009-), Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE) (2011-) and in the Senior Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal on IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (2010-). He has supervised 7 PhD thesis completed, 9 on-going PhD students, 35 MSc’s thesis students completed and 8 Intl visiting scholars. His publications have more than 1100 citations and an h-index of 15 according to Google Scholar (highest number citations for a paper: 227)
Current Fields of Research Interest
- Energy harvesting for biomedical implants and wireless body-area sensor networks (down to nanoscale)
- Energy issues in nano-scale biological systems
- Molecular communications
- Energy-aware graphene-enabled wireless communications at the nanoscale
- Wireless energy transfer for aerospace, biomedical implants and near-field communications at the nanoscale
- On-chip energy management circuits
Professional Activities and Honors
- Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2016)
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal on Emergent Topics in Circuits and Systems, IEEE JETCAS (2016)
- Vice President for Finances, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2015)
- Elected member of the Board of Governors, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2010–2012)
- IEEE Distinguished lecturer, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2009–2010)
- Member of the IEEE CAS Society Long Term Strategy (vision) Committee (2010-2012) (meetings in Taipei, Paris, San Diego, Vancouver) Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Eduard Alarcon, Mario di Bernardo, Enrico Macii, Wouter A. Serdijn, Gianluca Setti, David Skellern, Mani Soma, Thanos Stouratis Yannis Tsividis, John Choma, Gabor Temes, Ljiljana Trajkovic, Gianluca Setti
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I: Regular papers (2006–to date)
- Senior Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal on Emerging Topics of Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) (2010–to date)
- Founding Associate Editor, NanoCommunications, Elsevier (2010–to date)
- Editorial Board member for the Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE) (2011–to date)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems —II: Express Briefs (2006–2007).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Recent patents on Electrical Engineering.
- Member of the IEEE TCAS journal subcommittee for ITRS roadmap definition
- Invited Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Power Electronics (TPEL) and Power Electronics Society, Special issue on "Power Supply on Chip", Guest co-editors: Cian Ó Mathúna, Yan-Fei Liu, December 2012.
- Invited Editor of the “Advances in Power Electronics” journal, Special issue on "Power Delivery for Single- and MultiCore Processors and Platforms", co-editors: Jaber Abu-Qahouq (Univ. Alabama), Shamala.Chickamenahalli (Intel Corp), Eduard Alarcón (UPC), May 2011
- Invited co-editor, special issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing journal devoted to current-mode circuit techniques, Barrie Gilbert (Analog Devices Inc), Eduard Alarcón (UPC), Eva Vidal (UPC).
- Invited co-editor, special issue of International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications journal devoted to selected papers from ECCTD07, Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Eduard Alarcón, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez, July 2009
- Best Paper Award (Myril B. Reed award), 1998 IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
- National Electrical Engineering MSc Award, Spain, 1995 (awarded in a ceremony by the president of Spain)
- Vicens Vices Award, Catalan Government Annual Award for Education, Oct 2012, (awarded in a ceremony by Minister of Education), to the project “Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate the project itineraries following the CDIO international initiative”, Telecom EE School, ETSETB UPC BarcelonaTech, directed by Ramon Bragós and developed by Eduard Alarcón, Adriano Camps, Carolina Consolación, Albert Oliveras, José Pegueroles and Elisa Sayrol. (20kEuros)
Conference Activities
- Track chair, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems MWSCAS 2016 (Boise, Idaho, US)
- Tutorial chair, 1st ACM Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM 2014)
- International advisory board of IEEE PEDS2013, Biannual conference on power electronics and drive systems, Kitakyushu City, Japan in April 2013.
- Program Committee member, SPIE Microtechnologies, VLSI Circuits and Systems Conference EMT102, 24 - 26 April 2013 Grenoble France
- International Program Committee (IPC), Workshop on Intelligent Solutions for Embedded Systems, WISES 2013, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Technical Program Committee member, IEEE PRIME 2013, 9th Conference on Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2013), Villach, Austria, June 2013
- Technical program co-chair, IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, LASCAS 2013, Cuzco, Peru.
- Special Sessions co-chair, IEEE Intl Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2013, Beijing, China (with Jeng-Neng Hwang Univ. Washington and Feng Wu, Microsoft Research Asia)
- Special session co-organizer ““Analysis, Design and control of Power Electronic Circuits from a Nonlinear Circuit Theory Perspective”, NOLTA 2012 special session proposal (Mallorca, Spain), Oct 2012, (Eduard Alarcon UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain, Orla Feely, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland, Hiroo Sekiya, Chiba Univ., Japan, Abdelali el Aroudi, URV, Tarragona, Spain, Yuichi Tanji, Kagawa Univ., Japan.
- Track chair, Analog Track, IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'2012 (Seville, Spain)
- Technical Program Committee member, 3nd IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nanoscale Communications (IEEE MoNaCom 2012), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013 in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2013
- Technical Program Committee member, “Granular Power Management for SOCs”, Track co-chair -with E. Alon (UC Berkeley) B. Allard (INSA Lyon) and C. Sandner (Infineon)-, 3nd International Workshop on Power Supply On Chip, 2012, San Francisco, CA, Nov 16-18, 2012.
- Demo and Poster Chair, BodyNets 2012 conference, Oslo, Norway in September 23-26 (with Prof. Yunhuai Liu, Shenzhen Institutes of Advance Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China)
- Technical Program Committee member, IEEE iThings 2012
- IEEE ISCAS Steering committee, meeting in Seoul, May 2012.
- Track chair, IEEE 3rd Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, LASCAS 2012, Brasil.
- Technical Program Committee member, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nanoscale Communications (IEEE MoNaCom 2012), Ottawa, Canada, June 2012 in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2012
- Track chair, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems MWSCAS 2011 (Boise, Idaho, US)
- Technical Program Committee member, IEEE Infocom 2011.
- Review Committee member (RCM), Power Track, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2012, Seoul, Korea.
- Track chair, IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'2011 (Beirut, Lebanon)
- Technical Program Committee member, IEEE PRIME 2011, Trento, Italy
- Technical Program Committee member, 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, IEEE ASQED 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Technical Program Committe vice-chair, 5th International Conference on Nano-Networks, NANO-NET 2011, 14-16 March 2011 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- Tutorial chair, 2010 IEEE Intl Conference on Microelectronics, ICM'2010 (El Cairo, Egypt)
- Technical Program Committee member, Twelfth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2010), Boulder, CO
- Technical Program Committee member, 2nd International Workshop on Power Supply On Chip, 2010, Cork, Ireland
- Track chair, IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'2010 (Athens, Greece)
- Track co-chair, 2010 European Solid-State Circuits Conference, ESSCIRC, 13-18 September, Seville, Spain (topic: power management, with Y. Manoli, Univ. Freiburg)
- General co-chair, 1st and 2nd NaNoNetworking workshop, (with Ian F. Akyldiz, GeorgiaTech, US), 2010 and 2011.
- Track chair, IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'2009 (Medina, Tunesia)
- Organizer, special session, “NanoCommunications” BIONETICS, Boston, US, Dec 2010, (with Özgur Akan, Middle Eastern University, Albert Cabellos, UPC)
- Technical Program Committee member, 2010 European Solid-State Circuits Conference, ESSCIRC, 13-18 September, Seville, Spain
- Track co-chair, 2009 IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'2009 (Medina, Tunesia) (with Alberto Gola, Infineon)
- Steering committe, NaNoNetworking workshop, Barcelona (with Ian F. Akyldiz, GeorgiaTech, US)
- Track chair, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems MWSCAS 2009 (Cancun, Mexico)
- Track chair, 2009 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design –ECCTD09 (Antalya, Turkey)
- Track chair, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008 (Seattle, US) (with Miroslav Begović, GeorgiaTech, US)
- Technical Program co-chair, 2007 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design –ECCTD07 (Seville, Spain) (with Manuel Delgado-Restituto, IMSE-CNM, Seville, Spain)
- Track chair, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and SystemsISCAS 2007 (New Orleans, US) (with Karen Miu, Drextel University, US)
- Track chair, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE MWSCAS07 (Montreal, Canada)
- Chair, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Technical Committee of Power Systems and Power Electronics Circuits, 2007
- Special session co-organizer “monolithic integration of switching power regulators: trends in On-chip power management techniques” IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS06 (Kobe, Japan) - (with prof. Dariusz Czarkowski, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, USA and prof. Amit Patra, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)
- Special session co-organizer “new trends in switching power converters towards circuit integration””, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS03 (Bangkok, Thailand) - (with prof. L. Fortuna, Università di Catania, Italy)
- Review Committee member (RCM), Power Circuits Track, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE MWSCAS06 (Puerto Rico)
- Review Committee member (RCM), Analog Circuits Track, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2003
Research review panels
- Member of the International Advisory Board for the Microelectronics Competence Centre (Ireland)
- Member of the review panel for Canada Foundation for Innovation (Canada)
- Member of the review panel for Flanders Research Foundation (Belgium)
- Member of the Evaluation committee for research proposals for EU FP7 program
- Expert reviewer, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Catalan Research Agency.
- Expert, Spanish Research Foundation (Spain) (MCYT and CDTI)
- Member of the Groups of Experts in Evaluation for the Engineering Pannel of the Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR) to evaluate the Italian research system for the period 2004-2010
- Member of the Groups of Experts in Evaluation for the Korean Industrial Engineering Research, held at the International cooperation workshop (Seoul, Korea, May 2012) (panelists 'Wouter Serdijn – TU Delft-, Liang-Gee Chen –Taiwan natl Univ-, Radia Perlman –Intel-, Sung Mo Steve Kang –Univ Southern California-, Thanos Stouraitis –Univ. Patras-, Eduard Alarcon –UPC-)
Invited talks and seminars
- Invited speaker, “Quo Vadis Energy Harvesting”, 2014 CMOS Emerging Technologies Symposium, Grenoble, France, July 7-8, 2014
- Invited talk, “Energy harvesting: device, circuit and system co-design and on-chip integration”, University of Freiburg – IMTEK, Germany, March 2013.
- Invited talk, “On molecular communications nanoscale networks”, March 2013, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Tutorial at the 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (2012 APCCAS), "Energy harvesting: device, circuit and system co-design and on-chip integration”, Kaoshung, Taiwan, October 2012.
- Invited talk, “Towards nanotechnology-based energy-harvesting-enabled Internet of Things”, Oct 30th 2012, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, MIET, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia
- Invited seminar, “Power management for Energy harvesting in portable medical ASICs“”, Sept 26th 2012, Institute of Microelectronics Seville-CSIC, Seville, Spain
- Tutorial at the 2012 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation & Test (2012 VLSI-DAT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 2012.
- Invited talk, “On-chip energy processing for harvesting applications”, CEI-UPM, Technical University Madrid, Madrid, 12th January 2012
- Invited plenary talk, ZEROPOWER Workshop on nanoscale materials and engineering for energy-efficient electronics, Cork, Ireland, Oct 26 2011
- Tutorial at ESSCIRC 2011, “Energy harvesting: device, circuit and system co-design and integration”, Helsinki, Finland, 15th September 2011
- Invited seminar, “Data conversion frontends for switch-mode power converter digital control”, 20th Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design, AACD 2011, April 5-7, 2011 Leuven Belgium
- Invited lecture, “Energy-efficient on-chip power management: system, circuit and device perspectives”, IEEE Sweden Electron Devices Chapter, Friday February 4th, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Plenary lecture, “Quo Vadis on-chip power management", IEEE ICECS, Athens, Greece, Dec 2010.
- Invited lectures, “Energy-efficient on-chip power management: system, circuit and device perspectives” (IEEE distinguished lecturer program), PUCP, Lima, Perú, 10th Nov 2009 and Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú (12 Nov, 2009)
- Invited lecture, “Energy-efficient on-chip power management: system, circuit and device perspectives” (IEEE distinguished lecturer program), IEEE CAS Santa Clara Valley Chapter, Cadence Design Systems, Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, CA, USA, 19th October 2009.
- Invited lecture, “Energy-efficient on-chip power management: system, circuit and device perspectives” (IEEE distinguished lecturer program), University of Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, June 2009.
- Tutorial at IEEE ISCAS09, System/Circuit Co-Design of High-Density On-Chip Power Management Functions for Battery-Operated Terminals, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, 23rd May 2009.
- Invited lecture, “Switching Converter Topologies and Control Methods for Wideband Efficient On-chip Power Management”, LEES Colloquium, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, Nov 6th 2008.
- Invited lecture, “Optimization and implementation of a multi-level buck converter for standard CMOS on-chip Integration”, International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip, September 22nd - 24th, 2008, Cork, Ireland
- Invited seminar, “Wideband efficient amplifiers for on-chip adaptive power management applications”, 17th Workshop on Advances in Analogue Circuit Design, AACD2008, Pavia, Italy, April 2008
- Panelist, topic ”power management”, AACD2008, Pavia, Italy, April 2008
- Invited lecture, “Energy-Processing Integrated circuits”, GT Analog, Power, & Energy IC Research lab, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, US, May 2007.
- Invited plenary lecture, “Power consumption management in portable applications”, ICED 2006, 2nd International conference on electronic design, Veracruz, Mexico, November 2006.
- Invited tutorial, “Powering ICs: Trends in on-chip switching power regulators”, invited tutorial, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, Dec. 23, 2005
- Invited seminar, “On-chip integrated adaptive power management circuits for high-efficiency multistandard RF PA”, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul, South Korea, December 2005.
- Invited lecture, “On-chip power processing and control”, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, 20 Dec 2003
- Invited lecture, “On-chip power processing and control”, Analog VLSI lab, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 25 November 2003.
- Invited lecture, “On-chip power processing and control”, Polytechnical University of Brooklyn, New York, USA, 20 November 2003.
- Invited seminar, “Energy-processing integrated circuits for wireless applications and systems-on-chip”, Universita degli studi di Ancona, Italy, June 2003.
- Invited talk, "Current-mode analog signal processing : Evolution and future prospection", Universitat Rovira Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 13 Dec 2000
- Seminar, “System-Level and IC Implementation Techniques for Power Management in Battery- Powered Portable Electronics,” Dragan Maksimovic and Eduard Alarcón, MEAD course in Power Management, lectured at University of Santa Cruz, CA, USA in March and Ecole Politecnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL, in September, 2005- to date (yearly)
- “CMOS Integrated Switching Power Converters: A Structured Design Approach”, Gerard Villar-Piqué (NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands), Eduard Alarcón, 1st Edition., 2011, XL, 313 p. 227 illus. Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4419-8842-3. Springer 2011.
- “Voltage Regulators for Next Generation Microprocessors”, Toni López, Reinhold Elferich, Eduard Alarcón, 1st Edition., 2011, X, 490 p. 100 illus. Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4419-7559-1 Springer 2011.
- “Chaos in Switching Converters for Power Management: Designing for Prediction and Control”, Enric Rodríguez, Abdelali el Aroudi, EduardAlarcón, Springer 2012 (in press)
- Proceedings of the 2007 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design – ECCTD07, Manuel Delgado-Restituo, Eduard Alarcón, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez
Book chapters
- “Data conversion Pulse-width modulators for switched-mode power converter digital control,” E. Alarcón, V. Yousefzadeh, A. Prodic and D. Maksimovic, an invited book chapter in Analog Circuit Design 2011, (Editors: M. Steyaert, A. van Roermund and A. Baschirotto), Springer Verlag 2011.
- “Wideband efficient amplifiers for on-chip adaptive power management applications”, Chapter authors L. Marco, V. Yousefzadeh, A. Garcia i Tormo, A. Poveda, D. Maksimovic and E. Alarcón. Springer. 2009, in H. Casier, M. Steyaert and A. H. M. Van Roermund. Analog Circuit Design: High-speed clock and data recovery, High-performance amplifiers, power management.
- Jordi Madrenas and Eduardo Alarcón, "Mixed-signal Neuro-Fuzzy Processor Implementations. Sequential Architectures and Circuit-Level Description", Chapter in "Neural Networks and Systolic Array Design", World Scientific Publisher, 2002
- José Luis González and Eduardo Alarcón., "Current-Steering High-Speed D/A Converters for Communications", Chapter in "CMOS Data Converters for Telecom", Kluwer Academic Press, 2002
Invited editions in journals
- Invited co-editor (with Dr. Eva Vidal and Dr. Barrie Gilbert –Analog Devices fellow-) of a special issue in Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, devoted to 'Current-mode circuit techniques: More than a decade after their renaissance', March 2004.
- Invited co-editor (with Dr. Manuel Delgado-Restituto and prof. Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez, IMSE-CSIC, Seville, Spain), special issue of International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications journal devoted to selected papers from ECCTD07, July 2009
- Invited Editor of the “Advances in Power Electronics” journal, Special issue on "Power Delivery for Single- and MultiCore Processors and Platforms", co-editors: Jaber Abu-Qahouq (Univ. Alabama), Shamala.Chickamenahalli (Intel Corp), Eduard Alarcón (UPC), May 2011
- Invited Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Power Electronics (TPEL) and Power Electronics Society, Special issue on "Power Supply on Chip", Guest co-editors: Cian Ó Mathúna, Yan-Fei Liu, December 2012.
Journal papers
- 'Application of sliding-mode control to the design of a buck-based sinusoidal generator', Domingo Biel, Enric Fossas, Francesc Guinjoan, Eduard Alarcón and Alberto Poveda, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 48, No3, June 2001.
- 'Digitally programmable MOS resistive circuit', Eduard Alarcón, Herminio Martínez, Eva Vidal and Alberto Poveda, IEE Electronics Letters, 3rd January 2002, Vol. 38, No.1, pp 11-13.
- 'Current-mode analogue integrated circuit for sliding-mode control of switching power converterts', Eduard Alarcón, Alfonso Romero, Alberto Poveda, Sonia Porta and Luis Martínez-Salamero, IEE Electronics Letters, 3rd February 2002, Vol. 38, No.3.
- 'CCII-based analog integrated circuit for sliding-mode control of switching power converters', E. Alarcón, A. Romero, A. Poveda, S. Porta and L. Martínez-Salamero, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Press, Feb 2004.
- 'Up-to-Date Bibliography of Current-Mode Design', E. Vidal, E. Alarcón and B. Gilbert, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Press, Feb 2004.
- 'Extended mismatch and dynamic modelling of current sources in current-steering DACs : an improved design procedure', M. Albiol, J. L. González and E. Alarcón , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, special issue on Data Converters, January 2004, pp 159-169.
- ’Synchronization of nonlinear electronic oscillators for neural computation', J. Cosp, J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal an G. Villar, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, special issue on Temporal Coding for Neural Information Processing, Sep 2004, pp. 1315- 1327
- 'CMOS Integrated circuit controllers for switching power converters', E. Alarcón, G. Villar and A. Poveda, Jubilee special issue on power electronics, Journal of Circuit, Systems and Computers, Volume 13, Number 4 August 2004, pp. 789-811.
- 'Sliding Mode Control of Switching Converters: General Theory in an Integrated Solution', A. Romero, L. Martínez-Salamero, J. Calvente, E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, S. Porta, HAIT journal of science and engineering, Special issue on power electronics
- “Towards an on-chip boost switching power converter: a design space exploration”, G. Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan, A. Poveda, HAIT journal of science and engineering, Special issue on power electronics, vol. 2, iss-3-4, pp. 386-397.
- 'Synchronizable compact CMOS oscillator', G. Villar, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, J. Cosp and J. Madrenas, mixed-signal letters, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Press, vol 42, 2005, pp-179
- 'Modelling of quantization effects in digitally controlled DC-DC converters', Hao Peng, Aleksandar Prodic, Eduard Alarcón and Dragan Maksimovic, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 22, Issue 1, Jan. 2007 Page(s):208 – 215
- 'Three-level buck converter for envelope tracking applications', Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón and Dragan Maksimovic, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 21, Issue 2, March 2006 Page(s):549 – 552
- Yousefzadeh, V.; Babazadeh, A.; Ramachandran, B.; Alarcon, E.; Pao, L.; Maksimovic, D.;, “Proximate Time-Optimal Digital Control for Synchronous Buck DC–DC Converters”, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 23, Issue 4, July 2008 Page(s):2018 – 2026
- Dongsheng Yu, Herbert H.C. Iu, Hao Chen, E. Alarcon, and A. El Aroudi, “Study of Instabilities in Digitally Controlled Voltage-mode Synchronous Buck Converter”, International Journal Circuit Theory and Applications, Oct 2010
- El Aroudi, E. Rodríguez, R. Leyva and E. Alarcón, “A Design-Oriented Combined Approach for Bifurcation Prediction in Switched-Mode Power Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems– II: express briefs, vol 57, Nº 3, pp. 218-222, March 2010
- Herminio Martínez, Eva Vidal, Eduard Alarcón, Alberto Poveda, “Dynamic modeling of tunable analog integrated filters for a stability study of on-chip automatic tuning loops”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer Netherland, June 2009
- Abdelali el Aroudi, Enric Rodríguez, Mohammed Orabi and E. Alarcón, “Modeling of switching frequency instabilities in buckbased DC–AC H-bridge inverters”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 18 Jan 2010
- Jordi Madrenas, Daniel Fernández, Jordi Cosp, Luis Martínez-Alvarado, Eduard Alarcón, Eva Vidal, Gerard Villar, “Self-controlled 4-transistor low-power min–max current selector”, International Journal Electronics Communications, Elsevier, Jan 2010
- A. el Aroudi, E. Alarcón, E. Rodríguez and R. Leyva, “A Nonlinear Time Varying Discrete Time Model for Dynamics of a DC-AC Buck Switching Amplifier”, The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, COMPEL, 2009, Vol 29, pp 90-108, 2010
- Llatser, I., Pascual, I., Garralda, N., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Pierobon, M., Alarcón, E. and Solé-Pareta, J., "N3Sim: A Simulation Framework for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication," IEEE TC on Simulation, No. 8, pp. 3-4, March 2011.
- N. Garralda, I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón and M. Pierobon, “Diffusion-based Physical Channel Identification in Molecular Nanonetworks”, Nano Communication Networks Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 196-204, July 2011.
- Gregori, M., Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A. and Alarcón, E., “Physical Channel Characterization for Medium-Range Nanonetworks using Flagellated Bacteria”, Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier), October 2010.
- Gregori, M., Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A. and Alarcón, E., “Physical Channel Characterization for Medium-Range Nanonetworks using Catalytic Nanomotors”, Nano Communication Networks Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 102-107, June 2010.
- “Implementation and first results of the Introduction to Engineering course in the ETSETB-UPC new degrees”, Bragos, R.; Pegueroles, J.; Alarcon, E.; Camps, A.; Sarda, J.; Consolacion, C.; Mussons, J.; Pons, O.; Oliveras, A.; Garcia, M.; Onrubia, R.; Sayrol, E.; Promotion and Innovation with New Technologies in Engineering Education (FINTDI), 2011 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 4
- “E. Sayrol, R. Bragós, E. Alarcón, M. Cabrera, A. Calveras, J. Comellas, J. O’Callaghan, J. Pegueroles, E. Pla, L. Prat, G. Sáez, J. Sardà, C. Tallón, “Mixed Integration of CDIO skills into Telecommunication Engineering Curricula”, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol 6, pp 102, 2010.
- Albert Garcia i Tormo, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcón, and Francesc Guinjoan, “Fundamental Modulation Limits for Minimum Switching Frequency Inband-Error-Free High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – part I, Jan 2011
- Enric Rodriguez, Abdelali El Aroudi, Francisco Guinjoan and Eduard Alarcón, “A Ripple-Based Design-Oriented Approach for Predicting Fast-Scale Instability in DC–DC Switching Power Supplies”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: regular papers, VOL. 58, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2011
- J. Rodriguez, M. Delgado-Restituto, J. Masuch, A. Rodriguez-Perez, E. Alarcón and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez, “An Ultra Low-Power Mixed-Signal Back-end for Passive Sensor UHF RFID Transponders”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Date of Publication: 23 junio 2011.
- Alireza Saberkari, Eduard Alarcón, Shahriar B. Shokouhi, “Fast Transient Current-Steering CMOS LDO Regulator Based on Current Feedback Amplifier”, the VLSI Journal on Integration, accepted August 2011.
- Toni Lopez and Eduard Alarcon, “Power MOSFET Technology Roadmap towards High Power Density Voltage Regulators for Next Generation Computer Processors”, accepted IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2011.
- Daniel Fernández, Jordi Madrenas and Eduard Alarcón, “An Asynchronous Finite-State-Machine-based Buck-Boost Converter for On-Chip Adaptive Power Supply", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer Netherland, Oct 2012.
- E. Rodriguez, H.H.C. Iu, E. Alarcon, and A. El Aroudi, “A Frequency Domain Approach for Controlling Chaos in Switching Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – part I (submitted 2012)
- E. Rodríguez, A. El Aroudi and E. Alarcón, “LC Voltage Sensing Compact Circuit for Switching Regulators Aiming Integration and System Stabilization”, IEE Electronics Letters (submitted 2012)
- Elisenda Bou, Eduard Alarcon, Alvar Saenz-Otero and Christopher Mandy, “Translayer Optimized co-Design of in-Space Wireless Power Transfer”, EEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I (submitted 2012)
- “RF Performance Projections of Graphene FETs vs. Silicon MOSFETs”, S. Rodriguez, , S. Vaziri, M. Ostling, A. Rusu, E. Alarcon, M.C. Lemme, accepted ECS Solid State Letters, The Electrochemical Society Journals, April 2012.
- Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E., Jornet, J. M. and Akyildiz, I. F., “Scalability of the Channel Capacity of Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications at the Nanoscale”, submitted for publication to IEEE Transcations on Nanotechnology, Oct 2011.
- Llatser, I., Pascual, I., Garralda, N., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Pierobon, M., Alarcón, E. and Solé-Pareta, J., “Exploring the Physical Channel of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication by Simulation”, submitted for publication to NanoCommunication Elsevier, March 2011.
- Milad Razzaghpour, Ana Rusu, Saul Rodriguez, and Eduard Alarcon, “MICAO: Modified Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Analog Circuit Optimization”, the VLSI journal on Integration, June 2012.
- Saberkari A, Shokouhi SB, Alarcón E, Baghersalimi G. Analysis and evaluation of using a tuning inductance on the performance of gilbert cell-based CMOS sub-harmonic mixer. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2012;4:486-490.
- Albert Garcia i Tormo, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcón, and Francesc Guinjoan, “On Multi-Level PWM and Asynchronous Modulations for Enhanced Bandlimited Signal Tracking in Switching Power Amplifier”, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – part I, April 2012.
- Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E., “Networking Challenges and Principles in Difussion-Based Molecular Communication”, accepted to IEEE Wireless Communications, Jun 2012.
- I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, M. Pierobon and E. Alarcón, “Detection Techniques for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication”, accepted to JSAC, Journal of Selected areas in Communications, Octo 2012.
- Llatser, C. Kremers, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, J. M. Jornet, E. Alarcón and D. N. Chigrin, “Graphene-based Nano-patch Antenna for Terahertz Radiation”, in Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, May 2012.
- I. F. Akyildiz, J. M. Jornet, I. Llatser, S. Abadal, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón, J. Solé-Pareta, M. C. Lemme, M. Nemirovsky, D. N. Chigrin, U. Pfeiffer, “Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications”, submitted for publication proceedings of IEEE, Nov 2012.
- Llatser, I., Kremers, C., Chigrin, D. N., Jornet, J. M., Lemme, M., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., and Alarcón, E., "Radiation Characteristics of Tunable Graphennas in the Terahertz Band," to appear in Radioengineering Journal, 2012.
- Mark Bradley, Eduard Alarcon, Orla Feely, “Design-oriented analyisis of Quantization-Induced Limit Cycles in a Multiple-Sampled Digitally Controlled Buck Converter”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – part I, Nov 2012.
- Rasoul Fathipour, Alireza Saberkari, Herminio Martinez, and Eduard Alarcon, “Output-Capacitorless CMOS LDO Regulator Based on an Embedded Current-Mode Capacitor Multiplier”, submitted to IETE Technical Review (Nov 2012)
- Raul Gomez Cid Fuentes, Josep Miquel Jornet, Ian F. Akyildiz and Eduard Alarcón, “A Receiver Architecture for Impulse-based Terahertz Communications in Nanonetworks”, submitted to IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology (Nov 2012).
- Raul Gomez Cid Fuentes, Herminio Martínez, Alberto Poveda and Eduard Alarcon, “Electronically Tunable Switch-Mode High-Efficiency Adaptive Band-Pass Filters for Energy Harvesting Applications”, submitted to International Journal on Circuit Theory and applications (Nov 2012).
- Gerard Villar-Piqué, Henk Jan Bergveld and Eduard Alarcón, “Survey and benchmark of Fully Integrated Switching Power Converters: Switched-Capacitor vs Inductive approach” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012. Special Issue on Power Systems on Chip (PwrSoC).
- R. Jove-Casulleras, E. Alarcon, J. Ramos, A. Camps, A. Alonso-Arroyo, E. Bou, “Spaceborne energy harvesting: concept,theoretical analysis and experimental validation”, submitted to Acta Astronautica (Nov 2012)
- Elisenda Bou, Eduard Alarcon, Jordi Gutierrez, Ray Sedwick, “Survey on Non-Radiative Resonant Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer: A Critical Comparison of Alternative Theories”, submitted to IEEE TCAS-I
- Sergi Abadal, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcon, Max C. Lemme and Mario Nemirovsky, “Graphene-enabled Wireless Communication for Massive Multicore Architectures”, accepted for IEEE Communications Magazine (2012), (authors Lemme -KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden- and Nemirovsky -Barcelona Supercomputing Center ,BSC)
- Miguel Rodriguez, Michael Robergy, Andrew Zai, Eduard Alarcon, Zoya Popovic and Dragan Maksimovic, “Resonant pulse-shaping power supply for radar transmitters”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2013. (authors from University of Colorado at Boulder, TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc)
- Llatser, I., Pascual, I., Garralda, N., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Pierobon, M., Alarcón, E. and Solé-Pareta, J., “Exploring the Physical Channel of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication by Simulation”, submitted for publication to NanoCommunication Elsevier, March 2011.
- “DIRECT: A Model For Networks That Are Based On Discrete Entities To Encode Messages”, Deniz Demiray, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcon, Turgay Altilar, ”, submitted for publication to NanoCommunication Elsevier, Janury 2013.
Visiting positions
- During the period August 2003 - January 2004, visiting professor under invitation of prof. Dragan Maksimovic at Colorado Power Electronics Center (COPEC), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA. Funded in competitive call by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain under project 'Energy processing and control integrated circuits for portable applications'
- During the period July 2006 - August 2007, visiting professor under invitation of prof. Dragan Maksimovic at Colorado Power Electronics Center (COPEC), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA. Funded in competitive call Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain under project 'Nonlinear control for wideband high-efficiency amplifiers'
- During the period July 2009 - August 2009, visiting professor under invitation of prof. Dragan Maksimovic at Colorado Power Electronics Center (COPEC), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA. Funded by CoPEC CU Boulder, under project 'power management in RF transmitters for radar applications'
- During the period January 2011 - July 2011, visiting professor under invitation of prof. Ana Rusu, RAMSIS group, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Funded in competitive call by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain under project 'Energy harvesting circuits and devices for next generation wireless sensor networks'
Participation in Research Projects
“Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications“, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology GRO gift, Call”Next Generation ICs & Interconnections, Wireless Interconnection Between Chips, Modules and Boards”, Principal Investigator: Alberto Cabellos, Co-Principal Investigator: Eduard Alarcón. Funding: 100 k$
Project: Advanced Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices for Rational Use of Energy (RUE), Principal Investigator: José Millán (CNM-CSIC, Bellaterra, Barcelona,Spain), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 (Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology), o Program period: Jan 2010 – Jan 2014, Investigators: 50 (CNM, UPM, UPC, UOvi, UZ, UPV, URV), Funding: 3MEuros
DARPA (USA), DARPA BAA11-33 MPC Technical Area II: Vector Split Polar (VeSP) Transmitter
Total: $250K
Principal Investigator: Dragan Maksimovic / Zoya Popovic (ECE Dept, University of Colorado, USA)
Program period: Oct 2011 – Dec 2013.
Investigators: 6 (CU Boulder, UPC)
Project: Adaptive miniaturized energy management circuits for energy harvesting targeting wireless sensor networks (TEC2010-15765), Principal Investigator: Herminio Martínez (UPC), MCYT (Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology), Program period: July 2010 – July 2013, Investigators: 6, Funding 99 kEuros.
PROJECT TITLE: Power-Optimized Wireless DEvices for the Remote Sensing of biomedical potentials (POWDERS)
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Manuel Delgado-Restituto (IMSE-CSIC, Seville, Spain)
MCYT (Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology), “Power-Optimized Wireless DEvices for the Remote Sensing of biomedical potentials (POWDERS) ”
Principal Investigator: Manuel Delgado-Restituto (IMSE, CSIC, Seville, Spain)
Program period: Set 2009 – Set 2012.
Investigators: 12 (IMSE-CSIC, Inst. Neurociencias Alicante, UPC)
Total: Euro 74K
Principal Investigator: E. Alarcon (UPC)
Program period: Jan 2008 – Dec 2010.
Investigators: 12 (UPC, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona)
MCYT (Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology) (TEC2004-05608) [coordinated project], “processing and control integrated circuits for portable systems: towards on-chip supply
Total: euro 74K, $50K
Principal Investigator: E. Alarcon (UPC)
Program period: Jan 2004 – Dec 2007.
Investigators: 12 (UPC, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona)
DARPA (USA), Intelligent RF Front ends program, “Power Management for High-Frequency RF Power Amplifiers”
Total: euro 74K, $50K
Principal Investigator: Dragan Maksimovic / Zoya Popovic (ECE Dept, University of Colorado, USA)
Program period: Jan 2001 – Dec 2004.
Investigators: 6 (CU Boulder, UPC)
National Semiconductor (USA), “Digitally controlled switchers for low-power, battery operated systems”
Total: $120K
Principal Investigator: Dragan Maksimovic (ECE Dept, University of Colorado, USA)
Program period: Jan 2003 – Dec 2006.
Investigators: 5 (CU Boulder, UPC)
Southwing, “Design of a system-on-chip for a battery-operated wireless application”
Total: Euros 30K
Co- Principal Investigator: E. Alarcon (UPC)
Program period: Jan 2003 – Dec 2004
Investigators: 5
“Digital Current-Mode Control and Quantization Effects”, funded by Texas Instruments (USA), in cooperation with Departament of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, USA
“Electronically tunable VLSI architectures for audio and control applications", CICYT (reference TIC97-0418-C02-02), 1997-2000
“Microelectronic design and implementation of current-mode circuits for control applications ", MCYT (reference TIC97-0418-C02-02), 2001-2004
“Bioinspired VLSI analog system for image segmentation", MCYT (reference TIC2001-2183), 2001-2004
“REAMS: Reconfigurable Analog circuits for Microsystems", MCYT, 2005-2007
“Modelling, Analysis and Design of Circuits based on transconductors and current-feedback opamps", UPC (reference PR-9512.), 1995-1997.
“Low-power Mixed-signal VLSI architectures for neuro-fuzzy applications ", CICYT (reference TIC96-1195), 1996-1999
Research Project proposals
ERC Synergies , “IMAGINE: wIreless Multicore Architectures enabled by GrapheNE”, UPC-N3CAT (Eduard Alarcon), Barcelona Supercomputer (Mario Nemirovski), KTH (Mikael Östling), submitted Jan 2013. (Fund: 15MEuros)
EU FET flagship proposal, “Guardian Angels”, PI: prof. Adrian Ionescu (EPFL), total funding: 67 M$, UPC PI: E. Alarcón, UPC funding 250 k$, UPC groups (Eduard Alarcon, Antonio Rubio, Albert Cabellos), submitted Oct 2012.
COST action, EU project for researcher mobility, “Nanocommunication Networks”, coord: Alexey Vinel, Tampere University of Technology, submitted Oct 2012.
COST action, EU project for researcher mobility, “"Paneuropean Compact/SPICE Modeling Application Network", coord: JM Sallese, EPFL, submitted Oct 2012.
ICT FET Open Call, FP7-ICT-2011-C , Challenging current thinking program, “IMAGINE: wIreless Multicore Architectures enabled by GrapheNE”, UPC-N3CAT (Eduard Alarcon), Barcelona Supercomputer (Mario Nemirovski), KTH (Max Lemme), Univ. Wuppertal (D. Chigrin), Microsoft Isreal (Avi Mendelso), submitted Sept 2012.
ICT FET Open Call, FP7-ICT-2011-C , “Terahertz Photonic-Wireless Transceiver on Graphene-based Chip] [TWIST]”, September 2012,
- P200302465, “High capacity and low ESR structure in standard CMOS integrated technology”, inventors: G. Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and Alberto Poveda, country of application: Spain, Date of priority 28th Oct 2003, Applicant: UPC
- 12/139,340, “"Extended switched-mode controller”, inventors: Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimovic, country of application: US, Filing date: Jun 13, 2008, Applicant: University of Colorado, Boulder,USA. Publication number:US 2009/0310385 A1
- “Multi-level switching power converters using multiple supply voltages lines with a level chosen to maximize the number of possible differential output voltages”, inventors: Albert Garcia-i-Tormo, Ravi Karadi, Berry Butter, HenkJan Bergveld, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcon, country of application: US, Oct 2009 filling date, Applicant: NXP semiconductors, Netherlands
- “A voltage-sensing circuit structure for a switching power converter and method for an enhanced fast-scale stability margin of a switching power converter”, inventors: Enric Rodríguez, Abdelali el Aroudi, Eduard Alarcón. country of application: European, filling date: Feb 2011, Applicant: UPC, URV
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea, “Multimode CMOS RF front ends” group (“adaptive wideband supply of RF transmitter for next generation mobile phones”)
- Microchip, Switzerland (“digital control of switching power converters”)
- NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands (“on-chip audio amplifiers”)
- Mier Comuniaciones, Spain (“spacecraft RF transceiver power supply”)
- Inoitulos, Barcelona, Spain (start-up company, “universal battery charger”)
- Southwing, Barcelona, Spain (start-up company “energy-aware earphone”)
PhD students
Dr. Gerard Villar-Piqué (main advisor)
PhD thesis: Monolithic integration in standard CMOS technologies of switching power converters for low power applications
PhD defense: Nov 19th 2007. Currently Senior Research Scientist at NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Dr. Alireza Saberkari (“International advisor”)
PhD thesis: Design and Simulation of a Single Chip CMOS RF Transmitter for DCS1800 Wireless Communication Standard
PhD defense: Feb 2nd 2010 (Iran University of Science & Technology,Tehran, Iran) Currently Assistant professor at University of Guilan,Iran
Dr. Toni López (main advisor)
PhD thesis: Prospects of voltage regulators for next generation computer microprocessors
PhD defense: June 18th 2010. Currenly Senior Research Scientist at Philips (Solid State Lightning group), Aachen, Germany.
Dr. Lázaro Marco-Platón (co-advised with prof. Dragan Maksimovic, ECE,University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA)
PhD thesis: Translayer system/circuit design-oriented co-characterization and optimization of alternative topologies and controls aiming envelope-tracking RF transmitters for future-generation mobile communications
International stay during PhD thesis: ECE, University of Colorado atBoulder, CO, USA (2006, 2007 and 2008).
PhD defense: Sept 30th 2010. Currenly Senior Researcher at IREC,Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Enric Rodriguez Vilamitjana (co-advised with prof. Abdelali el Aroudi, URV)
PhD thesis: “Design-oriented model for predicting and controlling fast-scale instabilities in switching converters. Application to advanced power management integrated circuits”,
International stay during PhD thesis: University of Western Australia,Perth, Australia, (2009) (with Prof. Herbert Iu)
PhD defense: February 20th 2011.
Dr. Albert Garcia-i-Tormo (co-advised with prof. Alberto Poveda, UPC)
PhD thesis: “Bandwidth Extension Techniques for High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers”,
International stay during PhD thesis: NXP Semiconductors, HighTech Campus Eindhoven, Netherlands, (2009) (with Dr. HenkJan Bergveld)
PhD defense: April 15th 2011. Currenly Research Scientist at Philips, HighTech Campus, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Ignacio Llátzer (co-advised with prof. Albert Cabellos, Computer Architecture Dept and N3CAT, UPC)
PhD topic: “ Modelling and characterization of bio-molecular and EM-carbon-nanotube-based communications at the nanoscale: a physical/network translayer approach “”,
International stay during PhD thesis: University of Wuppertal, Germany, (2011) (with Dr. Dmitry N. Chigrin), GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, US (2011) (with prof. Ian Akyildiz)
Expected PhD defense Dec 2013.
Elisenda Bou
PhD topic: “Wireless Power Transfer for Aerospace”
International stay during PhD thesis: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, (with Dr. A. Saez-Otero)
Funded by Thales Alenia Space
Expected PhD defense Dec 2014.
Sergi Abadal (co-advised with prof. Albert Cabellos, Computer Architecture Dept and N3CAT, UPC)
PhD topic: “ Nanonetworks for next generation Wireless Networks on Chip (WNOC) ”
Expected PhD defense Dec 2014.
Raul Gómez Cid-Fuentes (co-advised with prof. Albert Cabellos, Computer Architecture Dept and N3CAT, UPC)
PhD topic: “Energy-harvesting-enabled near field graphene wireless communications at the nanoscale ”
Expected PhD defense Dec 2014. International stay during PhD thesis: Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, (2013) (with Prof. Kaushik Chowdhury)
Julià Delós (co-advised with prof. Elena Lemenova, TU Eindhoven)
PhD topic: “Integrated power management for LEDs”
Expected PhD defense Dec 2014.
Mario Iannazzo (co-advised with prof. Max Lemme, KTH and Univeristy Siegen, Germany)
PhD topic: “Graphene RF circuits”
Expected PhD defense Dec 2015.
Albert Mestres (co-advised with prof. Albert Cabellos, Computer Architecture Dept and N3CAT, UPC)
PhD topic: “Croslayer MAC protocols for graphene-enabled wireless communications”
Expected PhD defense Dec 2015.
Yasser Nour (co-advised with prof. Mohammed Orabi, Aswan University Egypt and Abdelali el Aroudi, URV)
PhD topic: “on-chip power factor correction”
Funded by Enpirion, New Jersey, USA
Expected PhD defense Dec 2015.
MSc students
Milad Razzaghpour, “Design and Optimization of an Analog Front-End for Biomedical Applications”,
Supervisors: Ana Rusu (KTH), Saul Rodriguez (KTH), and Eduard Alarcon (UPC)
Raul Gomez Cid-Fuentes, “Synthesis of high-effciency electronically tunable switch-mode bandpass filters targeting low power applications”, Supervisors: Eduardo Alarcon (UPC), Feb 2011. (Best EE students award, LEAR Corp Award)
Elisenda Bou, “In-Space Wireless Power Transmission Systems”, Supervisors: Eduard Alarcon (UPC) / Alvar Saez-Otero (Aero-Astro Dept, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT), Junio 2010. (Best EE Msc’s thesis in aerospace award)
Eduard Barba, “System-level impact of Envelope Tracker Power Converter nonidealities in Polar Transmitters for next Generation Mobile Communication Standards: EDGE standard”, Supervisors: E. Alarcon / L. Marco, 2009.
Jordi Marchan, “System-level impact of Envelope Tracker Power Converter nonidealities in Polar Transmitters for next Generation Mobile Communication Standards: WLAN standard”, Supervisors: E. Alarcon (UPC), 2009.
Sebastiano Dirminti (from Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italia), “SystemC-WMS modeling of RF PAs targeting EER”, Enero 2008, MSc thesis, Supervisors: E. Alarcon (UPC) / Massimo Conti (UPM, Italia)
Marina Ferran (industry internship at Philips, Aachen, Germany), “Investigation of a Resonant Converter Topology: LLC-I”, Junio 2007, MSc thesis, Supervisor: E. Alarcon (Best EE students award)
Tommaso Leonardi (from Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italia) “SystemC-WMS modeling of different control techniques for switching amplifiers targeting EER”, Julio 2007, MSc thesis, Supervisors: E. Alarcon (UPC) / Massimo Conti (UPM, Italia)
Enric Rodriguez Vilamitjana, “Ripple-instabilities prediction in power management techniques for mobile applications”, MSc thesis, UPC,Barcelona, Spain, Octubre 2006, Supervisors: E. Alarcon / A. El Aroudi
Lazaro Marco, “Effects of switching power converter nonidealities in EER technique for implementation of polar RF PAs”, MSc thesis, UPC,Barcelona, Spain, Enero 2005, Supervisors: E. Alarcon / D. Maksimovic
Til Vrana (from RTW Aachen), “Exploring Envelope Approximations for Envelope Tracker Power Converters aiming Polar Transmitters for next Generation Mobile Communication Standards”, MSc thesis, Supervisors: E. Alarcon / L. Marco
Daniel Šíra (from STU Bratislava), “Characterization of Class E RF Power amplifiers”, Supervisors: E. Alarcon / L. Marco
Peter Pracny (from STU Bratislava) , “Nonlinear characterization of the supply-to-RF path in CMOS class-E RF PA targeting EER”, Supervisors: E. Alarcon (UPC), Daniela Durackova, STU Bratislava
Miquel Albiol (now at MIER Comunicaciones) (co-advised with prof. J.L. González, UPC)
Gerard Villar (2004) (NXP semiconductors research)
Toni Lopez (2001) (Philips research Aachen)
Carles Andrés (2002)
Mario Iannazo (1998), (Nokia, Oulu and Now at TI, Heilselberg)
Elsa Lama-Vaquero (1999) (CERN)
Hosted Visiting Scholars
Alireza Sabekari (2008-2009) - Asst. Professor. at Teheran (Iran), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology
Geng Xiaoming (2009) – Asst. Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology (China)
Jose Antonio Rodriguez (2009) – PhD student, IMSE-CSIC, Seville (Spain)
Mark Bradley (2011) – PhD student, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Briana Lucero (2013) – PhD student, Colorado School of Mines (USA)
Saleh Kargarrazi, (2013) – PhD student, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Prof. Said Ahmed-Zaid (2013) – Professor, Boise State University, Idaho (USA)
Tomoharu Nagashima (2013), Chiba University, (Japan)
Organizer of invited /visiting Faculties
Prof. Dragan Maksimovic, University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA
Prof. Gabriel Rincon-Mora, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, GA, USA
Prof. Ian Akyildiz, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, GA, USA
Prof. Soumitro Banarjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Karagphur, India
Prof. Massimo Conti, University Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
Prof. Massimo Allioto, University Siena, Italy
Prof. Kaushik Chowdhury, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Doctoral Dissertation Defense Committees
- Dominic Maurath, University Freiburg, Germany, March 2013
- Dr. Juan Mon, UPC BarcelonaTech, Terrassa, Spain, 2012
- Dr. Joan Miquel Albesa ,“Monitoring Switch-type sensors and powering autonomous sensors via inductive coupling”, UPC BarcelonaTech, Castelldefels, 2012.
- Dr. Jason Hannon, ECE Dept, University College Cork, Ireland, 2011
- Dr. Gonzalo Murillo, Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, UAB, 2011
- Dr. Pedro Garcés, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Spain, 2009
- Dra. Loreto Mateu, EE Department, UPC, 2009
- Dr. Daniel Fernandez, EE Department, UPC, 2008
- Dr. Vahid Yousefzadeh, ECE Dept., CU Boulder, CO, US, 2006
- Dr. Carlos A. De la Cruz, Universidad Publica de Navarra-UPNA-, Pamplona, Spain, 2005
- Dr. Herminio Martinez, EE Department, UPC, 2005
Conference session chairman
- “Nyquist Rate Data Converters”, IEEE ICECS, Seville, Dec 2012.
- “Power Management Circuits”, IEEE ICECS, Seville, Dec 2012.
- “Sensors and Imagers”, IEEE ICECS, Seville, Dec 2012.
- “Analysis and Design of Power Circuits with Nonlinear Circuit Theory”,
Chairs: Eduard Alarcon, Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ, Japan), NOLTA 2012, Majorca, Spain - “High Efficiency Transmitters”, URSI Radio National Symposium, Elche, Sept 2012.
- “Power Supplies for Wireless Transceivers”, Eduard Alarcon and Dragan Maksimovic, ECE-PEMC 2012, Sept 4th, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- “Power Electronic Circuits”, Eduard Alarcon and Marian Kazimierczuk (Wright State University, OH), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2011.
- “Modeling & Control of Power Converter”, Eduard Alarcon and C. K. Michael Tse (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2011.
- “DC/DC converters” (lecture session), Bernhard Wicht, (Texas Instruments, Germany) and Eduard Alarcon, European Solid-State Circuits Conference, ESSCIRC 2010, Seville, Spain, Set 2010.
- “Analog and mixed-signal IC design” (lecture session), José Luis Ausín (Unex) and Eduard Alarcon, DCIS 2009, Zaragoza.
- “Integrated Power Electronics” (lecture session), Session Chairs: Tadashi Suetsugu (Fukuoka University, Japan), Eduard Alarcon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2009
- “Control in Power Electron” (lecture session), Session Chairs: Tsorng-Juu Liang (Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology), Eduard Alarcon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2009
- “On-chip power management circuits”, Session Chairs: Jaber Abu Qahouq (Intel), Eduard Alarcon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2008, Seattle, USA
- “On-chip Low-power Electronics”, Session Chairs: Gabriel Rincon-Mora, Eduard Alarcon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2007, New Orleans, USA
- “Log-domain & Complex Analog Signal Processing”, Session Chair: Eduard Alarcon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2006, Kos Island, Greece.
- “Integrated Power Electronics Circuits”, Session Chairs: Eduard Alarcon, Tadashi Suetsugu, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Kobe Japan.
- “Error Calibration & Compensation of ADCs”, Session Chairs: Eduard Alarcon, Un-Ku Moon, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Kobe Japan.
- “Low Voltage/Low Power Filters”, Session Chairs: Eduard Alarcon, Gaetano Palumbo, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Kobe Japan.
- "Modelling and simulation of dynamic systems", 'Seminario Anual de Automática y Electrónica Industrial'(Terrassa, 2001)
- "Modelling and simulation of dynamic systems", 'Seminario Anual de Automática y Electrónica Industrial' (Alcalá de Henares, 2002)
Activities in Higher Education
General conference co-chair, 11th International CDIO conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
Organizing Committee, 10th International CDIO conference, held at MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, February 2013.
UPC Annual Award for Quality in Education, 2012
Participation in the IEEE CAS Society Education and Outreach Technical Committee meeting, held in Seoul, Rio, Paris, Seattle.
Program Committee member for Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference, IEDEC 2012, Santa Clara, CA, USA, March 2012
Program Committee member of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference in 2013, IEDEC 2013, Santa Clara, CA, USA, on March 4-5, 2013.
Co-organizer of a “Continental Europe CDIO meeting” (participants from MIT, Chalmers, Univ. Montreal, Telecom Bretagne, DTU, TU Delft, Politecnico de Milano). 23-25 June, UPC Barcelona
Invited Panelist, topic “XXI century challenges in EE higher education”, Veracruz, México, Noviembre 23, 2006
Invited speaker, “The pivotal role of design in CAS”, in the CAS Education Workshop 2008: Views, Experience, and Prospects for Education in Circuits and Systems, Seattle, May 2009
Responsible for the graduate student exchange programs between ETSETB-UPC and the following US Universities: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, GeorgiaTech, Purdue, Southern California, CU Boulder, Illinois Institute of Technology, New Jersey institute of Technology
Invited expert committee member: grant assignment from the Vodafone foundation to UPC graduate students attending US Universities
Responsible of the new 4-year long BS degree on “IT Science and Technology BS degree” oriented to BS+MS integrated master, at the ETSETB-UPC (2008)
Coacher of a student group (UPC and RTW Aachen) in the Idea-to-product (I2P) international competition, held in Austin, Texas, November 2008.
Member of the committee for the ETSETB-UPC strategic plan (2008)
Invited Member of the committee for the “UPC vision 2020” initiative
Reviewer for the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education
Publication: Josep Miquel Jornet, Eduard Alarcón, Elisa Sayrol, “Electrical Engineering international Curricula”, UPC opencourseware.
Conference publication: Ramón Bragós, Eduard Alarcón, Margarita Cabrera, Anna Calveras, Jaume Comellas, Joan O’Callaghan, Josep Pegueroles, Lluís Prat, Germán Saez, Joan Sardà, Elisa Sayrol, “Inserting soft skills in new curricula at ETSETB-UPC after the CDIO initiative”, TAEE 2010 conferece.
Journal Publication: “Implementation and first results of the Introduction to Engineering course in the ETSETB-UPC new degrees”, Bragos, R.; Pegueroles, J.; Alarcon, E.; Camps, A.; Sarda, J.; Consolacion, C.; Mussons, J.; Pons, O.; Oliveras, A.; Garcia, M.; Onrubia, R.; Sayrol, E.; Promotion and Innovation with New Technologies in Engineering Education (FINTDI), 2011 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 4
Conference paper: Ramón Bragós, Eduard Alarcón, Margarita Cabrera, Anna Calveras, Jaume Comellas, Joan O’Callaghan, Josep Pegueroles, Lluís Prat, Germán Saez, Joan Sardà, Elisa Sayrol, “ Design of the “introduction to the engineering” subject into the new curricula at Telecom BCN”, CDIO annual conference, Montreal, June 2010.
Invited conference paper, Eduard Alarcón, Ramón Bragós, Elisa Sayrol, “Learning to Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate Circuits and Systems”, Within special session “Innovations in Circuits, Signals, and Systems Education", organized by Joos Vandewalle (KUL, Leuven) and Babak Ayazifar (Univ. California Berkeley), IEEE ISCAS 2011, Rio de Janeiro, May 2011.
Journal paper, “E. Sayrol, R. Bragós, E. Alarcón, M. Cabrera, A. Calveras, J. Comellas, J. O’Callaghan, J. Pegueroles, E. Pla, L. Prat, G. Sáez, J. Sardà, C. Tallón, “Mixed Integration of CDIO skills into Telecommunication Engineering Curricula”, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol 6, pp 102, 2010.
Vicens Vices Award, Catalan Government Annual Award for Education, Oct 2012, (awarded in a ceremony by Minister of Education), to the project “Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate the project itineraries following the CDIO international initiative”, Telecom EE School, ETSETB UPC BarcelonaTech, directed by Ramon Bragós and developed by Eduard Alarcón, Adriano Camps, Carolina Consolación, Albert Oliveras, José Pegueroles and Elisa Sayrol. (20kEuros plaque)
Conference papers
- Julia Delos, Marcel Hendrix, Toni Lopez, Eduard Alarcon, “On the Modeling of Arbitrary Output Node Switched Capacitor Converters”, submitted to EPE-PEMC 2013, Lille, France
- V. Shirmohammadli, A. Saberkari and E. Alarcon, “dual-frequency Buck Converter for Envelope Tracking Applications”, Sharif Conference on Future Electronics SCFE'13, Teheran, Iran
- Sergi Abadal, Jose Lazaro, Mario Nemirovski, Albert Cabellos, Eduard Alarcon, Josep SolePareta, “Area and Laser Power Scalability Analysis in Photonic Networks-on-Chip", submitted to the 17th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling- ONDM 2013 -, Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France
- A. El Aroudi, M. Lopez-Suarez, R. Rurali, G. Abadal and E. Alarcon, “Nonlinear Dynamics in a Nanostructured Graphene Device for Energy Harvesting Applications”, accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China (special session on “Nonlinear Dynamics in Energy Harvesting”) (authors el Aroudi URV, Lopez-Suarez and Abadal UAB, R. Rurali (ICMAB-CSIC))
- Elisenda Bou, Eduard Alarcon, Raymond Sedwick and Peter Fisher, “Interference analysis on Resonant Inductive Coupled Wireless Power Transfer links”, accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China (special session on “Circuit aspects of Wireless Power Transfer”) (authors Sedwick with University of Maryland, Fisher with Massachusetts Institute of Technology )
- Elisenda Bou, Raymond Sedwick and Eduard Alarcon, “Maximizing Efficiency through Impedance Matching from a Circuit-Centric Model of Non-Radiative Resonant Wireless Power Transfer”, accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China (authors Sedwick with University of Maryland)
- Raul G. Cid-Fuentes, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio and Eduard Alarcon, “Energy Buffer Dimensioning in Spatio-Temporal-Correlated Energy-Harvesting-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks”, submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China
- Herminio Martinez, Abdelali el Aroudi, Eduard Alarcon, “Bifurcation Phenomena in On-Chip Automatic Tuning Loops for Continuous-Time Filters” submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China
- Alireza Saberkari, Rasoul Fathipour, Herminio Martinez Eduard Alarcon, “Output-Capacitorless CMOS LDO Regulator Based on High Slew-Rate Current-Mode Transconductance Amplifier”, submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China (authors Saberkari, Fathipour Univ. Guilan)
- Alireza Saberkari, Rasoul Fathipour, Herminio Martinez Eduard Alarcon, “Output-Capacitorless CMOS LDO Regulator Based on High Slew-Rate Current-Mode Transconductance Amplifier”, submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2013, ISCAS 2013, May 2013, Beijing, China (authors Saberkari, Fathipour Univ. Guilan)
- Enric Rodriguez, Abdelali El Aroudi, H. Martinez, A. Poveda, H. Iu, Eduard Alarcon, “Chaos Controller for Switching Regulators Aiming Enhanced Design-Space Towards Miniaturization”, 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA 2012, Palma, Majorca, Spain from 22-26 October.
- Mark Bradley, Eduard Alarcon, Orla Feely, “Period Doubling Bifurcations in a Multiple-Sampled Digitally Controlled Buck Converter”, 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA 2012, Palma, Majorca, Spain from 22-26 October.
- I. Llatser, C. Kremers, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón and D. N. Chigrin, “Comparison of the Resonant Frequency in Graphene and Metallic Nano-antennas”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012., TACONA 2012, Germany.
- Sergi Abadal, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, José A. Lázaro*, Eduard Alarcón and Josep Solé-Pareta, “Scalable NoC Architectures: Efficient and Low Energy Consumption Chip Communication”, Photonics in Stiwching 2012, September 2012, Corsica Island, France
- E. Bou and E. Alarcon, R. Sedwick (U. Maryland, US), “Effects of non-resonant interferent objects in Impedance Matched Systems”, at the special session “Circuit Aspects of Non-Radiative Wireless Power Transfer” (organizer Dr. Ki Young Kim Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea), PIERS Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium , Moscow, Russia, 19-23, August, 2012.
- “Energy Harvesting Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy Model and Battery Dimensioning”, R. Gomez Cid Fuentes, A. Cabellos and E. Alarcon, 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks, BodyNETS, September 24–26, 2012 Oslo, Norway (author R. Gomez received an award to attend the conference)
- Eduard Alarcon, Alberto Poveda, Dragan Maksimovic, “A design-oriented circuit/system co-optimization framework for envelope tracking RF transmitters “, URSI Radio National Symposium, Elche, Sept 2012.
- Rodriguez Miguel, Roberg Michael, Pack Riley, Fernandez Pablo, Popovic Zoya, Alarcon Eduard, Maksimovic Dragan, “Resonant pulse-shaping power supply for radar transmitters”, IEEE EPE-PEMC 2012, ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- J. Marchan, F. Guinjoan, A. Poveda, L. Marco, Alarcon Eduard, Maksimovic Dragan, “A design-oriented optimization framework for envelope trackers: application to a sliding-mode control buck converter for EDGE”, EPE-PEMC 2012, ECCE Europe
- A. Saberkari and E. Alarcon, “'CMOS Fast Transient Low-Dropout Regulator'”, 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), Teheran, Iran.
- “A Receiver Architecture for Pulse-based Electromagnetic Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band”, Raul Gomez Cid-Fuentes, Josep Miquel Jornet, Ian F. Akyildiz and Eduard Alarcon, Intl Conference on Communications, IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada.
- “Quorum Sensing-enabled Amplification for Molecular Nanonetworks”, International Workshop on Molecular and Nanoscale Communications, co-located with Intl Conference on Communications, IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada.
- “Analysis of Limit Cycles in a PI Digitally Controlled Buck Converter”, Mark Bradley, Eduard Alarcon and Orla Feely, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “Fast Transient Response CFA-Based LDO Regulator”, Alireza Saberkari, Eduard Alarcón, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “Electronically Tunable Switch-Mode High-Efficiency Band-Pass Filters for Energy Harvesting Applications”, Raul Gomez Cid-Fuentes, Herminio Martíınez, Alberto Poveda and Eduard Alarcón, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “Translayer optimized codesign of in-space laser-based wireless power transfer”, Elisenda Bou, Eduard Alarcon, Alvar Saenz-Otero, Christopher Mandy, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “Chaos controller for switching regulators aiming enhanced design-space towards miniaturization”, E. Rodrıguez, H. Martınez, H. H. C Iu, A. El Aroudi, and E. Alarcon, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “Ripple-based prediction of fast-scale instabilities in current mode controlled switching converters”, E. Rodrıguez, E. Alarcon and A. Poveda, El Aroudi, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- “A Wideband Balun-LNA for Spin Torque Oscillator Technology”, T. Chen, S. Rodriguez, E. Alarcon, and A. Rusu, submitted to 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to be held in Seoul, Korea, May 2012.
- I. Llatser, I. Pascual, N. Garralda, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, M. Pierobon, E. Alarcón and J. Solé-Pareta, “Exploring the Physical Channel of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication by Simulation”, Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston (USA), December 2011.
- I. Llatser, C. Kremers, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, J. M. Jornet, E. Alarcón and D. N. Chigrin, “Scattering of Terahertz Radiation on a Graphene-based Nano-antenna”, to appear in Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics, Bad Honnef (Germany), October 2011. Authors Kremers and Chigrin from Univ. Wuppertal, Germany, J.M. Jornet from GeorgiaTech, US
- I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón and J. M. Jornet, “Scalability of the Channel Capacity of Electromagnetic Nanonetworks”, in Second Nanonetworking Day, Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.
- Milad Razzaghpour, Saul Rodriguez-Duenas, Eduard Alarcon and Ana Rusu, “A Highly-Accurate Low-Power CMOS Potentiostat for Implantable Biosensors", 2011 IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference , San Diego, California, November 10-12, 2011.
- S. Abadal, J. M. Jornet, I. Llatser, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón and I. F. Akyildiz, “Wireless Nanosensor Networks using Graphene-based Nano-Antennas,” in GRAPHENE 2011, Bilbao (Spain), April 2011.
- I. Llatser, E. Alarcón and M. Pierobon, “Diffusion-based Channel Characterization in Molecular Nanonetworks”, proc. of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nano Scale Communication (MoNaCom), held in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, Shanghai (China), April 2011.
- E. Alarcón, D. Fernández, A. Garcia i Tormo, J. Madrenas and A. Poveda, "Continuous-time CMOS adaptive asynchronous sigma-delta modulator approximating low-fs low-inband-error on-chip wideband power amplifier", invited paper to "Emerging Energy and Power ICs", special session on “”organized by Hoi Lee (UT Dallas) and G. Rincon-Mora (Georgia Tech), at IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 15th-18th, 2011, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil,
- G. Villar, Julià Delós and Eduard Alarcón, "Bonding-Wire Triangular Spiral Inductor for on-Chip Switching Power Converters", the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 15-18 May 2011.
- A. García-Tormo, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcón and Francesc Guinjoan, "A Grounded-Output 5-Switch Bipolar Buck-Boost Converter Topology for Switching Power Amplifiers", 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 15-18 May 2011.
- Llatser, I., Alarcón, E., Pierobon, M., “Diffusion-based Channel Characterization in Molecular Nanonetworks”, in Proc. of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nano Scale Communication (MoNaCom), held in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, April 2011.
- Garralda, N., Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Pierobon, M., “Simulation-based Evaluation of the Diffusion-based Physical Channel in Molecular Nanonetworks”, in Proc. of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nano Scale Communication (MoNaCom), held in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, April 2011.
- Llatser, I., Pascual, I., Garralda, N., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Pierobon, M., Alarcón, E. and Solé-Pareta, J. “Exploring the Physical Channel of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication by Simulation”, to appear in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2011, Houston, USA, December 2011.
- Abadal, S., Jornet, J. M., Llatser, I., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E. and Akyildiz, I. F., “Wireless Nanosensor Networks using Graphene-based Nano-Antennas”, in GRAPHENE 2011, Bilbao (Spain), April 2011.
- J. Reina, E. Rodriguez, E. Alarcon and A. El Aroudi, “Ripple-based approach for predicting Fast-scale instability in multi-level converters”, IEEE COMPEL, Colorado Boulder, USA, July 2010.
- T. Lopez, E. Alarcon, “Hard-switching model for high-power-density voltage regulators”, IEEE COMPEL, Colorado Boulder, USA, July 2010.
- Albert Garcia i Tormo, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcón, and Francesc Guinjoan, “Multi-Level Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulators for Wideband Switching Power Amplifiers”, IEEE COMPEL, Colorado Boulder, USA, July 2010.
- Albert Garcia i Tormo, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcón, Henk Jan Bergveld, Berry Buter, Ravi Karadi, “An enhanced switching policy for buck-derived multi-level switching power amplifiers”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2010, Paris, France (authors Bergveld, Buter and Karadi from NXP semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Elisenda Bou, Eduard Alarcon, Alvar Saenz-Otero and Christopher Mandy, “ System/circuit translayer optimized co-design of in-space microwave-based wireless power transfer”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2010, Paris, France (authors Saenz-Otero and Mandy, Space System Lab - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))
- Rodriguez, E.; Alarcon, E.; Herbert Iu, El Aroudi, A., “A frequency domain approach for controlling chaos in switching converters”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Herbert Iu from the Univ. Western Australia, Perth)
- Rodriguez, E.; Alarcon, E.; Herbert Iu, El Aroudi, A., “A Frequency domain approach for predicting fast and slow scale instabilities in switching converter”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Herbert Iu from the Univ. Western Australia, Perth)
- A.Saberkari, E. Alarcon, “CMOS Capacitor-Less Fast Transient Current-Steering LDO Regulator Based on Current Feedback Amplifier”, , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Saberkari, Iran Univ. of Science and Technology)
- G. Villar, J. Delos and, E. Alarcon, “Bonding-wire triangular spiral inductor for on-chip switching power converters”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France.
- Herminio Martínez, Jose Slva-Martinez, Eduard Alarcon, Alberto Poveda, “Current-Steering Switching Policy for a SIDO Linear-Assisted hysteretic DC/DC”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Silva-Martinez, Texas A&M)
- J. Marchán1, E. Barba1, L. Marco1, D. Maksimović and E. Alarcón ”Circuit/system design space characterization of EER-based transmitter for 802.11a WLAN Standard “, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Maksimovic, CU Boulder)
- T. López1, E. Alarcón2, F. Guinjoan2, A. Poveda2m “Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy model to approximate MOSFET capacitance for VRM applications” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010, ISCAS 2010. May 2019, Paris, France. (author Lopez, Philips semiconductors)
- Ramon Bragós, Eduard Alarcón, Antoni Bayés-Genís, Carlos Semino, “Molecular Communications for Cardiac bio-implants in human intrabody communication”, 1st Workshop on Nanocommunications, Barcelona, Spain. (Authors Bayés: Hospital de Sant Pau – UAB, Carlos Semino -MIT-IQS)
- Garcia i Tormo, A.; Poveda, A.; Alarcon, E.; Guinjoan, F. , “Design-oriented characterisation of adaptive asynchronous ΣΔ modulation switching power amplifiers for bandlimited signals” Circuits and Systems, 2009. ISCAS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on 24-27 May 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Rodriguez, E.; Alarcon, E.; El Aroudi, A., “Demonstration of ripple-based index for predicting fast-scale instability in switching power converters” Circuits and Systems, 2009. ISCAS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on 24-27 May 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Rodriguez, E.; Alarcon, E.; El Aroudi, A., “Unified prediction of slow and fast scale instabilities by means of complementary design-oriented models” Systems, Signals and Devices, 2009. SSD '09. 6th International Multi Conference on 23-26 March 2009, Tunisia.
- El Aroudi, A.; Alarcon, E.; Rodriguez, E.; Robert, B.G., “A qualitative comparison of bifurcations in single-cell and two-cell buck converter” Systems, Signals and Devices, 2009. SSD '09. 6th International Multi Conference on 23-26 March 2009, Tunisia.
- T. Lopez, E. Alarcon “Design and Roadmap Methodology for Integrated Power Modules in High Switching Frequency Synchronous Buck Voltage Regulators”, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009. APEC 2009, Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE, 15-19 Feb. 2009, Washington DC, US
- El Aroudi, A.; Alarcon, E.; Rodriguez, E.; Leyva, R, “Modeling a buck-based switching amplifier for sinusoid wide band tracking by using a nonlinear time varying map”,
Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2008. EPE-PEMC 2008. 13th, 1-3 Sept. 2008, Poland. - Gerard Villar and Eduard Alarcon and Dragan Maksimovic, “Monolithic integration of a 3-level DCM-operated low-floating-capacitor buck converter for DC-DC step-down donversion in standard CMOS”, IEEE Power specialist conference PESC08, Rhodes, Greece, June 2008.
- El Aroudi, A.; Alarcon, E.; Rodriguez, E.; Orabi, M, “Modeling of switching frequency instabilities in buck-based DC-AC inverters by nonlinear time varying Poincaré mappings”, Power System Conference, 2008. MEPCON 2008. 12th International Middle-East 12-15 March 2008
- El Aroudi, A.; Alarcon, E.; Rodriguez, E.; Leyva, R., “Stability of DC-DC converters: A ripple based index approach”, Power System Conference, 2008. MEPCON 2008. 12th International Middle-East 12-15 March 2008, Egypt
- Yousefzadeh, V.; Babazadeh, A.; Ramachandran, B.; Pao, L.; Maksimovic, D.; Alarcon,., “Proximate Time-Optimal Digital Control for DC-DC Converters”, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE 17-21 June 2007.
- El Aroudi, A.; Alarcon, E.; Rodriguez, E.; Leyva, R.; Villar, G.; Guinjoan, F.; Poveda, A.; “Ripple Based Index for Predicting Fast-Scale Instability of DC-DC Converters in CCM and DCM”, Industrial Technology, 2006. ICIT 2006. IEEE International Conference on, India.
- Mark Norris, Lazaro Marco, Eduard Alarcon and Dragan Maksimovic, “Quantization Noise Shaping in Digital PWM Converters”, IEEE Power specialist conference PESC08, Rhodes, Greece, June 2008.
- Enric Rodríguez, Francesc Guinjoan, Alberto Poved, Abdelali-El Aroudi, Eduard alarcon, “Characterizing Fast-Scaling Instability in a Buck-Based Switching Amplifier for Sinusoid Wideband Tracking”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2008, Seattle, USA, May 2008
- Albert Garcia-Tormo, Eduard Alarcón, Alberto Poveda, Francesc Guinjon, “Characterisation of Low-OSR Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator with High-Order Buck Converter for Wideband Switching Amplifier”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2008, Seattle, USA, May 2008
- Gerard Villar, Eduard Alarcón, “Automatic Dead-Time Adjustment CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit for a DCM Operated 3-Level Switching Power Converter”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2008, Seattle, USA, May 2008
- Gerard Villar, Eduard Alarcón, Francesc Guinjoan, Alberto Poveda, “Inductor-Current Zero-Crossing Detection Mixed-Signal CMOS Circuit for a DCM Operated 3-Level Switching Power Converter”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2008, Seattle, USA, Fecha: May 2008
- Daniel Fernández, Jordi Madrenas, Eduard Alarcón, “An Asynchronous Finite State Machine Controller for Integrated Buck-Boost Power Converters in Wideband Signal-Tracking Applications”, EE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2008 Seattle, USA, May 2008
- Enric Rodríguez, Gerard Villar, Alberto Poveda, Abedelali El-aroudi, Eduard Alarcon, “Ripple-based period-2 border detection in switching regulators”, European conference on circuit theory and design – ECCTD07 , Sevilla , España, August 2007
- Lazaro Marco, Eduard Alarcon, “Derivation of the Sliding Domain for a Buck-Based Switching Amplifier in Wideband Signal Tracking Applications”, European conference on circuit theory and design – ECCTD07, Sevilla , España, August 2007
- Enric Rodríguez, Gerard Villar, Alberto Poveda, Abedelali El-aroudi, Eduard Alarcon, “General-purpose ripple-based fast-scale instability prediction in switching power regulators”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2007 New Orleans, USA, May 2007
- Yousefzadeh. V, Alarcon E. Maksimovic D, “Band Separation and Efficiency Optimization in Linear-Assisted Switching Power Amplifiers", IEEE Power specialist conference PESC06, Jeju Island, South Korea, 17-22 June 2006
- Lopez, T.; Elferich, R.; Koper, N.; Alarcon, E, “Performance Comparison of Circuit Simulator Lumped Models for the Body Diode Reverse Recovery of Low Voltage Power Trench MOSFETs, IEEE Power specialist conference PESC06, 17-22 June 2006
- Lazaro Marco, Alberto Poveda, Eduard Alarcon, Dragan Maksimovic, “Bandwidth limits in PWM switching amplifiers "IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006, Kos Island, Greece, May 21-24, 2006
- Toni Lopez, Eduard Alarcon, “Performance of pn-Junction Diode Lumped Models for Circuit Simulators" IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006, Kos Island, Greece May 21-24, 2006
- Eduard Alarcon, Abdelali El Aroudi, Joaquin Martinez-Arteaga, Gerard Villar, Francesc Guinjoan and Alberto Poveda, “Avoiding bifurcations in switching power converters: a ripple-based unified perspective", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006 Kos Island, Greece, May 21-24, 2006
- Herminio Martinez-Garcia, Eva Vidal, Eduard Alarcon, Alberto Poveda , “Improving the Stability of On-Chip Automatic Tuning Loops for Continuous-time filters", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006 Kos Island, Greece May 21-24, 2006
- Lazaro Marco, Eduard Alarcon, Dragan Maksimovic, “Effects of switching power converter nonidealities in Envelope Elimination and Restoration Technique" IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006 Kos Island, Greece May 21-24, 2006
- Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, “Powering ICs: trends in on-chip power regulators”, invited paper, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR, India, December 23, 2005
- Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, “A comparison between three-level, two-level and two-phase converters”, Colorado Power Electronics Center Annual meeting, 2005, Boulder, CO, USA, November 2005
- Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, “Band separation and efficiency optimization in linear-assisted switching power amplifiers”, Colorado Power Electronics Center Annual meeting, 2005, Boulder, CO, USA, November 2005
- Jordi Madrenas, Jordi Cosp, Daniel Fernández, Eduard Alarcón, Eva Vidal and Gerard Villar, “Focal-Plane Bioinspired Mixed-Signal Image Segmentation Testchip Focal-Plane Bioinspired Mixed-Signal Image Segmentation Testchip”, DCIS'05 XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Lisboa – Portugal, November 23-25, 2005
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, “Quasi-optimum Efficiency in Output Voltage Hysteretic Control for a Buck Switching Converter with Wide Load Range” PESC'05- IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2005 Recife - Brazil, June 2005
- E. Rodriguez, A. El Aroudi, E. Alarcón, R. Leyva, G. Villar, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, “Ripple Based Index for Predicting Fast-Scale Instability of DC-DC Converters in CCM and DCM”, IEEE ICIT 2006, Mumbai, India, invited paper in special session, ”Bifurcation and Chaos in Power Electronics”
- L. Marco, A. Garcia i Tormo, F. Guinjoan, A. Poveda and E. Alarcón. “Sliding-mode controlled buck converter ripple and switching frequency design-oriented characterization,” in Proc. Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación SAAEI 2007 (Puebla de Zaragoza, México), Sep 2007.
- Garcia i Tormo, E. Alarcón, A. Poveda and F. Guinjoan. “Low-OSR asynchronous Σ–∆ modulation high-order buck converter for efficient wideband switching amplification”, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2008, 18–21 May 2008, p. 4pp.
- Lopez, T.; Elferich, R.; Koper, N.; Alarcon, E., “Performance Comparison of Circuit Simulator Lumped Models for the Body Diode Reverse Recovery of Low Voltage Power Trench MOSFETs”,Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1 - 7.
- Yousefzadeh, V.; Alarcon, E.; Maksimovic, D.; “Band Separation and Efficiency Optimization in Linear-Assisted Switching Power Amplifiers”, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1 – 7
- Lazaro Marco, Eduard Alarcon, Dragan Maksimovic, “Effects of switching power converter nonidealities in Envelope Elimination and Restoration Technique", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2006, Kos Island, Greece, May 21-24, 2006
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, E. Vidal, H. Martinez, S. Porta, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, “MULTI-MODE CONTROLLER CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FOR SWITCHING POWER CONVERTERS”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, “Efficiency optimization in linear-assisted switching power converters for envelope tracking in RF power amplifiers ", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, “Energy optimization of tapered buffers for CMOS on-chip switching power converters”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, “EFFICIENCY-ORIENTED SWITCHING FREQUENCY TUNING FOR A BUCK SWITCHING POWER CONVERTER”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- Daniel Fernández, Gerard Villar, Eva Vidal, Eduard Alarcón, Jordi Cosp and Jordi Madrenas , “Selective Similarity Function for VLSI Analog Signal Processing “, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- Daniel Fernández, Gerard Villar, Eva Vidal, Eduard Alarcón, Jordi Cosp and Jordi Madrenas , “MISMATCH-TOLERANT CMOS OSCILLATOR AND EXCITATORY SYNAPSE FOR BIOINSPIRED IMAGE SEGMENTATION “, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005
- Vahid Yousefzadeh, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, “Three-Level Buck Converter for Envelope Tracking in RF Power Amplifiers”, APEC'05- IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference 2004 , Austin, Texas, March 2004
- Hao Peng, Aleksandar Prodić, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, 'Modelling of quantization effects in digitally controller DC-DC converters', PESC'04- IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2004 , Aachen - Germany, June 2004
- Asif Syed, Ershad Ahmed, Eduard Alarcón, Dragan Maksimović, 'Digital pulse width modulator architectures', PESC'04- IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2004 , Aachen - Germany, June 2004
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, S. Ferrández, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'Ripple-reduction tuned filtering switching power converter topology', PESC'04- IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2004 , Aachen - Germany, June 2004
- G. Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'On-chip CMOS histeretic controller for switching power converters', 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'04, Vancouver - Canada, May 2004
- H. Martínez, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón, and A. Poveda, 'Dynamic modeling of Analog Integrated Filtres for the Stability Study of On-Chip Automatic Tuning Loops ', 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'04, Vancouver - Canada, May 2004
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, F. Guinjoan and L. Martínez Salamero, 'Fuzzy control of a boost switching regulator by means of first-order Takagi-Sugeno model', 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'04, Vancouver - Canada, May 2004
- J. Cosp, J. Madrenas, O. Lucas, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, G. Villar, ‘Design and Basic Blocks of a Neuromorphic VLSI Analogue Vision System’, Second International ICSC Symposium on Biologically Inspired Systems (BIS 2004), University of Stirling, U.K., 20004
- J. Madrenas, J. Cosp, O. Lucas, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, G. Villar, ‘BIOSEG: A Bioinspired VLSI Analogue System for Image Segmentation’, 12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks – ESANN 2004, Bruges, 2004
- G. Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'A design space exploration for integrated switching power converters', submitted to 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'03, Bangkok - Thailand, May 2003
- G Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, "Optimized design of MOS capacitors in standard CMOS technology and evaluation of their Equivalent Series Resistance for power applications", submitted to 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'03, Bangkok - Thailand, May 2003
- H. Martínez, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón and A. Poveda, "Dynamic Modeling of an MRC-C Analog Integrated Filter for the Stability Study of On-Chip Automatic Tuning Loops", submitted to 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'03, Bangkok - Thailand, May 2003
- M. Albiol, J. L. González and E. Alarcón , "Improved current-source sizing for high-speed high-accuracy current steering D/A converters", submitted to 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'03, Bangkok - Thailand, May 2003
- G. Villar, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, H. Martínez and A. Poveda, 'Averaging circuits for switching power converters control: A CMOS current-mode integrated implementation', 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'02, Arizona, USA, May 2002.
- E. Alarcón, H. Martínez, E. Vidal, J. Madrenas and A. Poveda, 'High-frequency Microelectronic Controller for One-Cycle Control of Switching Power Converters', 6th European Space Power Conference 2001 (European Space Agency), Porto, Portugal, May 2001.
- E. Alarcón, H. Martínez, E. Vidal, J. Madrenas and A. Poveda, 'D-MRC: Digitally Programmable MOS Resistive Circuit', proceedings of the 44th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS01), Dayton, Ohio, USA, August 2001, pp. 215-218.
- E. Alarcón, G. Villar, E. Vidal, H. Martínez and A. Poveda, 'General-purpose one-cycle feedforward controller for switching power converters: A high-speed current-mode CMOS VLSI implementation', proceedings of the 44th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS01), Dayton, Ohio, USA, August 2001, pp. 290-293.
- H. Martínez, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón and A. Poveda, 'Design and implementatio of a MRC-C TQE continuous-time filter with on-chip automatic tuning', proceedings of the 44th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS01), Dayton, Ohio, USA, August 2001, pp. 196-199.
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'Analytical Considerations in the Design of a Nonlinear State-Dependent Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller for a Boost Switching Power Regulator', proceedings of the 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MCCA'01, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2001.
- J. L. González and E. Alarcón, 'Study of dI-Noise effects on the Spectral Performance of Current-Steering Segmented Digital-to-Analog Converters', proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects - SPI'01, Venice, Italy, May 2001.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, E. Vidal and H. Martínez, 'Analog current-mode implementation of a one-cycle integrated controller for switching power converters', proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 496-499.
- E. Alarcón, A. Romero, A. Poveda, S. Porta and L. Martínez-Salamero, 'Sliding-mode control analog integrated circuit for switching DC-DC power converters', proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 500-503.
- J. L. González and E. Alarcón, 'Clock-jitter induced distortion in high-speed CMOS switched-current segmented digital-to-analog converters', proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 512-515.
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan, E. Vidal-Iriarte and L. Martínez-Salamero, 'Piecewise PWM-sliding global control of a boost switching regulator by means of first-order Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control', proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 715-718.
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan, E. Vidal-Iriarte and L. Martínez-Salamero, 'Two-rules-based boundary layer fuzzy controller for DC to DC switching regulators', proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 664, 667.
- J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J. Cosp, J. M. Moreno, A. Poveda and J. Cabestany, 'Mixed-Signal VLSI for Neural and Fuzzy Sequential Processors', proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'00, Genève, Switzerland, June 2000, pp. 389-392.
- E. Vidal, S. Porta, H. Martínez, E. Alarcón and A. Poveda, 'Complete Nonlinear Model of the MRC (MOS Resistive Circuit)', proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS'00, Genève, Switzerland, June 2000, pp. 140-143.
- J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J. Cosp, J.M. Moreno, A. Poveda and J. Cabestany, 'Design Space tradeoff in VLSI implementations of Mixed-Signal Neuro-Fuzzy Processors', proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics - AROB'00, Oita, Japan, January 2000, pp. 821-824.
- E. Vidal, H. Martínez, E. Alarcón, and A. Poveda, 'Nonlinear Analyitcal model of the MRC (MOS resistive circuit)', proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS99), Las Cruces, NMSU, New Mexico, USA, August 1999, pp. 1122-1125.
- E. Alarcón, D. Biel, F. Guinjoan, E. Fossas, E. Vidal and A. Poveda, 'Current-mode BiCMOS sliding-mode controller circuit for AC signal generation in switching power DC-DC converters', proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS99), Las Cruces, NMSU, New Mexico, USA, August 1999, pp. 162-165.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, J. Madrenas, E. Vidal, S. Gomáriz and F. Guinjoan, 'Novel Pulse-width-modulated Current-mode Defuzzifier for the fuzzy control o switching DC-DC converters', proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS99) , Las Cruces, NMSU, New Mexico, USA, August 1999, pp. 444-447.
- J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J. Cosp and J.M. Moreno, 'VLSI Design of a flexible-structure Sequential Mixed-signal Neural processor', proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mixed-Signal Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'99), Kraków (Poland), June1999, pp. 259-264. (Outstanding Paper Award at MIXDES99)
- E. Alarcón, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, J. Cosp, S. Gomáriz, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'Mixed-signal implementation of a discrete-time sequential Takagi-Sugeno Neurofuzzy Controller', proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mixed-Signal Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'99), Kraków (Poland), June1999, pp. 389-394.
- E. Vidal, A. Poveda and E. Alarcón, 'Amplitude Control in a Triangular Wave Quadrature Oscillator', proceedings of the 41st IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS98), Univ. Notre-Dame, Indiana, August 1998, pp. 348-351.
- J. Madrenas, A. Ivorra, E. Alarcón and J.M. Moreno, 'Injector Design for Optimized Tunelling in Standard CMOS Floating-Gate Analog Memories', proceedings of the 41st IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS98), Univ. Notre-Dame, Indiana, August 1998, pp. 426-429.
- E. Alarcón, M. Iannazzo, J. Madrenas, J.M. Moreno, S. Gomáriz, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda', 'Implementation of an Application-Specific Fuzzy Controller by means of a Mixed-Signal Sequential Architecture', proceedings of the 41st IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS98), Notre-Dame, Indiana, August 1998, pp. 430-433. (Myril B. Reed BEST PAPER AWARD del congreso IEEE MWSCAS98)
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, J.A. Martínez, A. Poveda, J. Madrenas and F. Guinjoan, 'Minimum-time Control of a Buck Converter by means of fuzzy logic approximation', proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'98), Aachen, August 98, pp. 1060-1065.
- Romero, L. Martínez-Salamero, H. Valderrama, O. Pallás and E. Alarcón, 'General Purpose Sliding-Mode Controller for Bidirectional Switching Converters', proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS98), Monterey, California, May-June1998.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, E. Vidal, A. Romero and J. Hernanz, 'Integrated Current-programmed controller for DC-DC converters using current-mode analogue signal processing techniques', proceedings of the 5th European Space Power Conference 1998 (European Space Agency), Tarragona, September 1998, pp. 143-148.
- J.M. Moreno, J.Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J.Cabestany, 'Analog Sequential Architecture for Neuro-Fuzzy Models VLSI Implementation', proceedings of the 7th International Conference.on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN97), Laussane, Switzerland, 8-10 October 97, pp. 1199-1204.
- E. Vidal, A. Poveda and E. Alarcón, 'Analysis and Design of Active-R Oscillators Using the Current-Feedback Opamp', proceedings of the IEEE/ECS European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD'97), Budapest, Hungria, Agost 97, pp. 200-203.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda and E. Vidal, 'High-Frequency Response Modelling of Continuous-Time Current Mirrors', proceedings of the IEEE/ECS European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD'97), Budapest, Hungria, Agost 97, pp. 204-209.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, E. Vidal, 'A Complete OTA Frequency Model', proceedings of the IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, August 18-21, Ames, Iowa, 1996, pp. 455-458.
- J. Brezmes, J. Martí, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón, 'Measurement of Acoustic Parameters by Means of Pseudorandom Signals', proceedings of the IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, August 18-21, Ames, Iowa, 1996, pp. 817-820.
- E. Alarcón, A. Frigola, E. Vidal and A. Poveda, 'A New CFA Frequency Model Including Load-Dependent Unstabilities', proceedings of the IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, August 18-21, Ames, Iowa, 1996, pp. 451-454.
- E. Vidal, A. Poveda and E. Alarcón, 'Amplitude Stabilization in a Triangular Wave Quadrature Oscillator', proceedings of the IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, August 18-21, Ames, Iowa, 1996, pp. 1083-1086.
- G. Villar, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan and A. Poveda, 'Microelectronic integration of switching power converters: A design space exploration', SAAEI'02, Universidad de Alcalá, Sept. 2002.
- G. Villar, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, H. Martínez and A. Poveda, 'Circuito promediador para control de convertidores conmutados de potencia: Implementación integrada CMOS en modo de corriente', SAAEI'02, Universidad de Alcalá, Sept. 2002.
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, E. Vidal-Idiarte, F. Guinjoan and L. Martínez-Salamero, 'Ecualización de dinámicas de un convertidor PWM elevador mediante un controlador de estado difuso TSK de primer orden, SAAEI'02, Universidad de Alcalá, Sept. 2002.
- H. Martínez, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón y A. Poveda, 'Diseño e implementación de un filtro TQE MRC-C con sintonía aumoática on-chip', actas del SAAEI'01, Universidad de Matanzas, CUBA, Sept. 2001.
- H. Martínez, E. Vidal, E. Alarcón y A. Poveda, 'Desfasador sintonizable CMOS para aplicaciones de sintonía automática', actas del SAAEI'01, Universidad de Matanzas, CUBA, Sept. 2001.
- S. Gomáriz, E. Alarcón, F. Guinjoan, E. Vidal y L. Martínez Salamero, 'Control zonal de un convertidor conmutado elevador mediante un control borroso TSK de primer orden', actas del SAAEI'01, Universidad de Matanzas, CUBA, Sept. 2001.
- E. Alarcón, H. Martínez, E. Vidal y A. Poveda, 'Diseño Microelectrónico de un Controlador de Un Ciclo para Convertidores Conmutados DC-DC mediante Procesado Analógico en Modo Corriente', actas del SAAEI'00, Terrassa, SPAIN, Sept. 2000, pp. 425-428.
- J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J. Cosp, J. M. Moreno, A. Poveda and J. Cabestany, 'VLSI Design Constraints for Neural and Fuzzy Mixed-Signal Sequential Processors', proceedings of the XIIII Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1999 (DCIS99), P. Mallorca, November 1999, pp. 801-806.
- E. Alarcón, D. Biel, F. Guinjoan y A. Poveda, 'Controlador "Sliding" BiCMOS en modo corriente para la generación de señal sinuoidal en convertidores conmutados DC-DC', actas del SAAEI'99, Madrid, SPAIN, Sept. 1999, pp. 383-386.
- J. Madrenas, E. Alarcón, J. M. Moreno and J. Cosp, 'A Current-Mode Sequential CMOS A/D Variable-Structure Processor for Neural Network Emulation', proceedings of the XIII Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1998 (DCIS98), Madrid, November 1998, pp. 536-541.
- Romero, E. Alarcón, H. Valderrama, S. Porta, A. Poveda and L. Martínez-Salamero, 'General Purpose Sliding-Mode Controller For Bidirectional Switching Power Converters Using CMOS Current-Mode Analogue VLSI Design', proceedings of the XIII Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1998 (DCIS98), Madrid, November 1998, pp. 510-515.
- E. Alarcón, M.Iannazzo, F. Guinjoan y A. Poveda, 'Modulador PWM VLSI para división de señales analógicas. Aplicación al control fuzzy de convertidores continua-continua', actas del SAAEI'98, Navarra, Sept. 1998, pp. 441-444.
- M.Suquet, J.Madrenas, J.M. Moreno and E.Alarcón, 'Design Considerations of Regulated-Cascode Current Copiers', proceedings of the XII Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (DCIS'97), Sevilla, November 1997, pp. 59-64.
- E. Alarcón, M. Iannazzo and J.Madrenas, 'Noise and Speed Performance in Switched-Current Memory Cells', proceedings of the XII Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (DCIS'97), Sevilla, November 1997, pp. 241-246.
- E. Vidal, E.Alarcón y A. Poveda, 'Osciladores Activos-R en Modo Corriente', actas del Seminario Anual de Automàtica, Electrònica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI'97), Valencia, Setembre 97, pp. 741-744.
- E.Alarcón, E. Vidal, C. Pol y A. Poveda, 'Red en Celosía Pasiva No Lineal para Caracterización de Amplificadores Operacionales', actas del Seminario Anual de Automàtica, Electrònica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI'97), Valencia, Setembre 97, pp. 736-740.
- E. Alarcón, E. Vidal, A. Frigola, A. Poveda, 'Modelo Frecuencial del Current Feedback Amplifier (CFOA) con Predición de la Inestabilidad debida a la Impedancia de Carga', proceedings of the XI Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (DCIS'96), Sitges (Barcelona), November 1996, pp. 654-657.
- E. Alarcón, 'Modelación de Dispositivos Integrados con Operación en Modo Corriente. Aplicación al Análisis y Diseño de Nuevos Circuitos Integrados Analógicos para Comunicaciones y Control', II Jornadas de Doctorado del DEE-UPC, 20 Mayo 96, pp. 111-112.
- E. Alarcón, A. Poveda, 'Macromodelo para Simulación de Amplificadores Operacionales de Transconductancia (OTAs)', SAAEI'95, 25-27 Septiembre 1995, Universitat Rovira i Virgili,Tarragona, pp 209-212.